Burundi News - Feb 2011 arrival

Picture Table Mountain - Burundian asked me why no houses are build on top of the mountain? I said he should rather ask a local in CapeTown.

Imana Ibahezagire (God Bless you)

News from Burundi

Our trip to SA took us via Jozi to Scottburgh and Stellenbosch. We really enjoyed connecting with Bernice, extended family, friends and church (Diane says Hallelujah!). When you come back to your own country and especially your church, then one looks past all the wrinkles and tend not to major on all the minors. We truly loved our stay being pampered and treated to meals, great company and even free holiday accommodation in KZN (God Bless you guys).

Diane and I arrived back safely in Burundi on the 20th of Feb. When we arrived to our house in Gitega we were immediately baptised back into life in Burundi. The last team who visited us coined the phrase: “Burundi is a process” and I have to confirm the process is ongoing. We had no water reserves in our tank, but the rain we collected the same afternoon assured that we could continue the house hold until the water was restored.

We came back exhausted....as expected, however it was great to be able to share with many families what God is doing in Burundi and how we are so thrilled to be a part of this journey. During our visit we had more than 35 meetings (excluding family) sharing about our journey. Albeit that I felt a little overwhelmed with the direction God was taking us this year, which will cause us to expand the ministry to the North of the country...greater investment of time, resources and trust in God. This means that I was speaking by faith what God is leading us into this year, but not necessarily understanding how God is going to-do it. Now I feel more confident, although still very dependent on how God is going to materialise all the work we are setting out to-do.

Ministry update and needs:

The 4 tracks of ministry we have been speaking to everyone about in our last news letter and in our face to face presentations can be summarised:

1. Training pastors and leaders – (2 Tim 2:2) with Veritas material. We will complete the Rutana province group in April. The desire is to start the training in the two most Northern provinces in the country in Ngosi and Kirundo. We will launch the training in these areas end of March with the intention to start training in April. We will most probably train in these areas twice per month starting in Ngosi on a Thursday and Friday then crossing over to Kirundo and training Monday and Tuesday. We will train 2 days consecutively to help reduce the travelling to these regions and reduce the fuel we will need. The total monthly cost for fuel, accommodation and training will be ($1138 – $350 existing ministry budget) = $788 per month shortfall. The training will take 4 to 5 months. Now since we have been sharing about the upcoming training this year God has already provided a gift which will secure the training for the 1st month being April. From the end of August we will begin training module 2 in Gitega and Rutana province. Pls seek God on partnering with us in this training, which is directly impacting the Kingdom of God.

Our first facilitators were trained up in Gitega during December and we were so excited to receive report back that 4 new groups have started. This is the first fruit of the ministry!

2. Children’s ministry – (Matt 19:14) Diane’s heart is for the Burundian children and they love her so much. Her vision is to intensify the children’s teaching by shifting the school from Sunday to Saturday mornings and having longer time with the children and more activity. Also to cast her activity to 3 other churches of Ps Charles in Gitega.

3. Bibles for Believers – (Rom 10:17) Last year we distributed almost 700 Bibles to believers. This is not our main focus but as we meet different Churches God has given us Bibles in our hands for His people. Distribution will continue as long as we have the Word of God in our hands.

4. Justice ministries – (Jam 2:14-17) Burundi being one of the most physical poorest countries in Africa needs God’s intervention. This is a picture of Diane's maize and bean garden, Burundi is so fruitful. We will continue to implement Sustainable development programs in our circle of influence with pastors and leaders across denominations. The greatest need is Sustainable Food security solutions supported by Sustainable business development and Cooperative initiatives. After the visit last year of Dutliff Snyman, he made connection with Africa Cooperative Action Trust (ACAT). The intention is to train up key leaders and implementers from Burundi to KZN (read more at http://www.acatkzn.co.za/). The training with Acat will primarily focus Sustainable development. Pls write to me if you would like more info.

Other ministry needs are the debt on the vehicle and new Visa applications. We are paying off monthly our vehicle, which remains with an outstanding balance of $6200. Visas, we will be renewing our 2 year visa for Burundi during March which will amount to $600 for a multiple entry.

Spiritual thought:

Whist studying the epistles of Paul I was captivated by his shear perseverance in the face of many challenges. 2 Cor 11:23-28 he gives a brief account of the amount of suffering he had to endure for the sake of the Gospel. His endurance and spirit amazes me! What fueled his commitment was not based on his comfort, or job satisfaction per say, or on working relationships or any other employee benefits. Phil 1:12 Paul found his motivation in advancing the Gospel and 2 Tim 1:11-12 his commitment to God’s call and purpose for his life.

Our commitment to God’s purpose for our lives cannot be based on the fruit or difference we expect to see or on the opinion of other people but we have to 1st be committed to God’s call on our lives. This will lead you in a life of passion which is focused on Him and we only find this understanding at His feet. What an example we have in His son Jesus Christ when He said (Jn 14:31) my will is to do what God wants me to do. Jesus was committed to the Father’s call and it cost Him His life. I’m compelled because of His great love to demonstrate my love and gratitude to God through allowing my life decisions to be govern by His direction.

Thank you

Diane and I want to relay our deepest thanks to all the financial supporters and prayer partners who specifically sacrifice your time and resources to partner with us in God’s Kingdom work. We stand before God and give Him glory. We continue to join Paul in his prayer to the Philippians 4:18-19 that your sacrifice is an acceptable sacrifice to Him and that he will meet all your needs according to His will. I cannot promise you how and when God will reward you, but this we know, God always fulfils His promises and he deserves the best of our lives. Let’s make it count for the Kingdom in 2011.

Prayer points:

Please continue to pray as follow:

1. Peace for Burundi – pray for continued political stability in the country.

2. Pray for Bernice – studies 3rd year of her Bed degree.

3. Pray for us – protection for our health, relationships, that no weapon from the enemy against us will prevail.

4. Divine appoints – ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into all divine appointments He has created for us and to discern His words of wisdom.

5. Vehicle – pray for the settlement of the balance of the loan ($6200).

6. Studies – that I may finish well this year, this is my final year for Bth. The two current subjects are General letters and Christian Ethics.

7. Training – God’s divine provision,

8. Visas – for application and provision. Favor with officials.

Please stay connected with us on Face Book………

Also on our Blog you will find Twitter updates and real time news flashes for Burundi…..http://van-burundi.blogspot.com/

Much love

Anton and Diane